Why Someone Should Tell Will and Kate that a Ski Resort is a Great Place for a Babymoon

At approximately 34 weeks, the gestating woman enters what could otherwise be termed the “holy shit” phase of her pregnancy… as in: “holy shit, only 6 weeks to go,” or “holy shit, that’s the size of a newborn baby’s head?” or “holy shit, this is really happening, isn’t it?” or “holy shit, could you get off my bladder, please?”

As a deadline-driven person, I’ve been stunned by the ferocity of focus that a baby’s due-date brings with it. Everything about my life, as I know it, seems particularly fleeting right now.  This could be a our last 6 hour road-trip (without having to stop for breaks or endure endless “are we nearly there yets?”). This could be our last completely spontaneous bike-ride/conversation/moment together. This could be our last meal where no food ends up on the floor and walls.

So, when we headed to Silver Star for a long weekend with friends last month, solidly in the “holy shit” phase of our child-free life, the trip had an added poignancy.  A feeling of last hurrah. As one friend pointed out, it was our “babymoon.”

Silver Star on pinterest

I’d never been to Silver Star before, and it charmed me utterly with its ski-in, ski-out village, candy-land colour scheme, and network of downhill, Nordic and snowshoe trails. The place is so pretty it should tinkle.


But it also occurred to me that someone should let Will and Kate in on the secret: a ski resort is actually a great place for a babymoon.

Here’s why:

1. Pregnancy is about making space – physically and psychically. Ski resorts are fundamentally “made” spaces, designed to let you shift into a different gear. Silver Star is a completely manufactured resort – but it creates a sense of magic and whimsy and escape masterfully.
2. Your inclinations are suddenly in perfect sync with everyone else’s. Case in point: 3pm nap-time on the couch in front of the fire with hot chocolate on the coffee table and snow falling outside, is as equally sought by the pregnant as the non-pregnant people. (But the pregnant can always pull rank on limited real estate.)

3. Time stops – even with full wifi, a ski resort is full of signs of Bygone Days – a VHS collection in the corner, a fondue set, a shag carpet, retro photos. 8 months pregnant is a funny balancing act: you don’t really want to get any more pregnant, but you increasingly want to be on the other side of this incubation project. A literal time warp is a nice place to be for a few days.

4. All kids look cute in their full ski gear.  Lots of cute kids ripping around, especially at a place that is as family friendly as Silver Star is (ice-skating rink, tubing park, trails everywhere) makes you kind of optimistic about all the adventures you’ll have as a family.
5. No housework or chores. No bikini buff bodies. And no reason not to go out for several delicious grown-up Last Suppers.

Skiing off into the sunset, Silver Star nightskiing starts with sunset, photo by Sarah Cormode

It certainly helps if you are an expert skier, not on bedrest, and can still slide around. Nothing like gravity and perfectly groomed runs to make you forget how much you resemble a Heffalump.

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