
Writer. Communications Strategist. Keynote presenter. Voice over artist and podcast guest. Amplifier. Reveller. Thrutopian.

collage of publications from lisa richardson

Currently: Creative-at-large at Arc’teryx. Contributor to Mountain Life and Edible Sea to Sky. Journaling workshop facilitator. Yoga teacher in training. Generating copy, conversations and practices to drive circularity, sustainability, literacy, reconciliation and personal resilience — you know, whatever it takes to make the world a better place through word-witching.

Formerly: For over 20 years I’ve provided freelance strategy, grant-writing, copywriting and journalism for select clients and publications. I’ve written for most magazines with “mountain” in their name, so I guess that’s my beat… or at least my ecological niche. Velocity Project columnist in Pique newsmagazine. Senior writer and columnist for Coast Mountain Culture magazine.  Founder and Editor of the Winds of Change’s Wellness Almanac. Profile writer for Interstellar Mountain Culture magazine. Literacy Outreach Coordinator for Whistler and Pemberton. Associate Creative Director at Origin Design + Communications, hypewriter for Crankworx, PR machine for the inaugural Enduro World Series, the Whistler Writers Festival, co-founder of the Slow Food Cycle Sunday and Director of Communications of the World Ski and Snowboard Festival. Communications wingman for the Squamish Lillooet Regional District. Social media strategist for Mile One Eating House. Occasional social media manager when a state of emergency is declared in the SLRD. Columnist with the Whistler Question.

I have lovely distinction of being voted Pemberton’s favourite writer  many years in a row – maybe we’re up to 20? Longform girl in a short form world. Someone called me prolific, which is a nice way of saying I still need to .

best of pemberton 2019

I protest-quit twitter recently, but can be found on LinkedIn or occasionally uploading clips of recent work to https://lisarichardsonbylines.tumblr.com.

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Caro says:

    Nice work Lisa. I love your story on the lessons of sucking on rock. Great ones for the broader church of life. Awesome to see you growing AND in more ways than 1!!! Caro

  2. Jenny says:

    Hi Lisa! I’ve just come across your website and you’re smart to have left your email address off of it because if I could find it I would be writing you a big, embarrassing, gushing email about how grateful I am to have found your voice at this exact point in my life/career and how it’s going to take a week but I’m going to bookmark your blog and read absolutely everything on it. Not in a crazy person way. Just in a sincerely admiring way. It would sound better in an email than in this comment but it will have to do. Many, many thank yous and high fives. Wishing you all of the best!

    1. Lisa Richardson says:

      Best stalker note, ever.

  3. Rita Braun says:

    Hi Lisa, I just read your piece in the Patagonia catalogue and loved it. Consumed and saddened by distressing politics in the lower 48, I was refreshed by your words. Thank you! Lovely bumping into you amongst the Patagonia pages.

    1. Lisa Richardson says:

      Thanks Rita, I appreciate that immensely. And your effort to track me down and leave a note.

  4. mr. mark says:


    You guys just fkn blew me away…your alchemy of words. just so so brilliant wooops, I might have slipped up here….

    Lisa, I dunno but I think you might be connected to another lisa….lisa Akeny…either way you guys are connected….I guess we are all connected…..I was connected to the memory page of your friend the late lisa Lebr…Korthal and I read, with tears flowing the article that you put together…like the crack of thunder, the boom of a canon out of the side of a turning ship, the frightening “phwwwump” sound of snow underfoot on on a southern slope, and my direction in life….it changed….you changed me…. for the moment I spent reading all about your friend the late Lisa…we’re all late for something, but I was just on time to find this – Please accept my sincere thank you, and would you pass it on…and on ….and on…. like we pass goodness forward..

    …YOU,,, you are most definitely brilliant

    and I’m sooo sooo sorry for your communities loss…we all lost something here, and yes too, we acquired something we did not have before…

    ps you probably know steph (Wilson) in pemberton yes? yes, of course you do……..

    love to all…
    mr. mark

    1. Lisa Richardson says:

      Mr Mark, I am late to this party, and so sorry. belatedly, my deepest thanks for your kind and powerful words.

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